Ritual Submissions

Presented by 23 Sandy and Baylor University Libraries
On view at Baylor University February 28 — May 14
Deadline for submissions: January 24
View full prospectus here


Welcome, Artists!

Please supply the following information for your Ritual submission.

(For additional submissions, use this form Thank you!)

Please note: The information you enter on this form will not be edited. Please provide your text with proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc. Consider composing in a word processing program, run spell check, and then cut and paste into the form.


• Please upload 5-10 images of your work. Include images showing front cover, binding, and several shots of interior pages.
• To upload multiple images: Hit the image upload button on the form, and hold the command (Mac users) / control (PC users) key down while clicking to select your files. 


Name your files as yourlastname-titlekeyword-1.jpg, yourlastname-titlekeyword-2.jpg etc. Your last name is followed by a hyphen and a book title keyword or two followed by a hyphen and then the view number. No spaces, please.


All JPGs should be 300 ppi sized to 7 inches wide or tall in the longest direction.

Additional Submissions