Ritual - Additional Submissions
This form is for additional submissions. If you have not yet entered your first submission, please do so here.
If you have submitted your first work and paid your entry fee, please fill out the form below for each additional submission.
Artists may submit up to three works with their $25 entry fee.
Please note: The information you enter on this form will not be edited. Please provide your text with proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc. Consider composing in a word processing program, run spell check, and then cut and paste into the form.
• Please upload 5-10 images of your work. Include images showing front cover, binding, and several shots of interior pages.
• To upload multiple images: Hit the image upload button on the form, and hold the command (Mac users) / control (PC users) key down while clicking to select your files.
Name your files as yourlastname-titlekeyword-1.jpg, yourlastname-titlekeyword-2.jpg etc. Your last name is followed by a hypen and a book title keyword or two followed by a hyphen and then the view number. No spaces, please.
All JPGs should be 300 ppi sized to 7 inches wide or tall in the longest direction.