Wordle/Coffee/Ritual by Gretchen Treuting


On a recent visit, I noticed my sister making small watercolor paintings in her journal, illustrating seemingly random words. That’s how I discovered the online New York Times puzzle Wordle. You are given 6 tries to find the correct 5-letter word. Fresh coffee and solving the daily Wordle has been a popular morning ritual for many folks. I was intrigued by how my sister expanded her morning routine with art making. I suggested that her husband Jack (a photographer) and I join her in interpreting the daily Wordle solutions. It has been a way for us to stay connected even when we are thousands of miles apart. Bonus: book comes with its own coffee table!

Artist Bio

Gretchen Treuting started her graphic design career when designers still had to “spec” type for a typographer and hope it would fit. Then desktop publishing changed the field, and she enjoyed the convenience of being able to fine-tune text and headlines herself and create precise vector illustrations. As design migrated completely to the computer, Gretchen missed the hands-on work. Fortunately, she discovered book art and could incorporate her typography and illustrations into the delightful world of handmade books. She could return to x-acto knives, thread, glue, inks, folding, and the feel of papers and book cloth. Gretchen’s work explores unusual themes because she is also a recovering philosophy major and retired math teacher. Her books have been exhibited in San Francisco, New York City, Denver, and Minneapolis. She now lives in Costa Rica and has introduced artist books to ex-pats there through presentations and workshops. Website: gretchentreutingart.com