Woah by Zoe Waller

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I made this book to connect with readers through humor. The thoughts in this book are very relatable, in my opinion, because they remind us of the "Eureka moments" we have in the shower. The pop ups in this book bring to light the child in all of us, and also unearth a sarcastic feel to the pop-up book world.

Artist Bio

Zoe Waller is a 20-year-old paper artist living in Arlington, Virginia. She has been experimenting and creating with paper materials since she was five years old. Just in the last few years, Zoe has been specifically interested in pop up artistry and pop up books. She is now an avid collector of pop up books, both commercial and handmade. She considers herself very fortunate to have been taught and directly encouraged by well-known pop up artists such as Edward Hutchins and Carol Barton. Zoe looks forward to being a force in the pop up world one day.