Waterfall by Virginia Green


Life, like a waterfall is a powerful force. Water can be peaceful at the top, but nearer to the precipice, water speeds up and becomes agitated as it travels its way over the brink of the cliff. As the water falls into the basin, it bounces and spits in a cacophony of chaos until calm is restored. This accordion book captures the impact that society has on life as it moves from tranquility through turbulent times, back and forth. The red "g" reminds me every day not to lose myself in middle of the turbulent times as I'm being pushed back and forth by schedules, people, and commitments. My ritual is to every day of my life find my center, my peace in the middle of the chaos around me so that I never lose a sense of myself.

Artist Bio

Virginia Green is principal and creative director for VGreen Design, a freelance design studio and BlackHare Studio, a letterpress and fine art studio. Her creative passions include typography and letterpress printing, a medium that allows for custom design, artist books, and fine art prints.