Vanishing by Susan Bonthron

$350.00 - Please contact 23 Sandy for current availability.
This book was inspired by Kim Stanley Robinson's Ministry for the Future, in which he lists animals that are extinct or nearly so. When I researched them, I was moved by their miraculous beauty and heartbroken by their almost certain extinction. When will we humans learn to love and care for the extraordinary garden we inhabit?

Artist Bio

Susan Bonthron has been a student of book arts since 1993, and opened Otter Pond Bindery in 2003. Originally inspired by Paulus Berensohn in a journal workshop at Haystack, she has studied book arts with Linda Lembke, Daniel Kelm, Hedi Kyle, Julie Chen, and others. Her work has been shown in exhibitions in the U.S. and Australia, and is held in collections in the US and Britain. She is a member of the New England Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers, and teaches classes at Otter Pond Bindery in Guilford, Vermont.