Title | Throwaway |
Artist / Creator | Julie Russell-Steuart |
Press Name | Caveworks Press & Studios |
Place of Publication | Reinbeck, IA |
Publication Date | 2013 |
Process / Technique | Letterpress, handset type |
Number of Images | Eight images within the folds and multiple images on the unfolded "map" side |
Image Process | Pressure prints from cereal boxes and string |
Structure / Binding | Accordion booklet and box cradle structure |
Medium / Materials | Painted, printed and crumpled Tyvek |
Paper Stock | DuPont Tyvek |
Number of Pages | 9 pages |
Dimensions (WxHxD) | Unfolded book: 10 x 15 inches; box: 5 x 8.5 x 5 inches |
Edition Size | Variable edition of 20 |
Signed & Numbered | Yes |
As part of Book Art Object Edition Five, I took Throwaway, Title #99 of 100 from An Exercise for Kurt Johannessen (2010), by permission of the author, Sarah Bodman. My investigation into the culture of consumerism led me to a wide range of the used up or thrown away, from technology to natural resources. I formulated poems based on different examples, accompanied by pressure print illustrations made with “throwaway” materials like cereal boxes and string. Even people’s lives are not immune to the effects of consumer culture, and I try to show this by adapting two people’s stories from the web site, We Are the 99 Percent on tumblr.com.
Artist Bio
Julie Russell-Steuart earned a BFA in General Fine Art from Maryland Institute, College of Art. Her work encompasses multiple mediums with a particular interest the synthesis of word and image. She has shown installation, artist's books, painting, and experimental video. She publishes letterpress books of poetry and artist's books on a vintage Vandercook printing press under the imprint Caveworks Press. Her books are collected privately and by several University libraries, including The University of Iowa, and Texas State University. She resides in Reinbeck, Iowa.