The Burden of Damascus by Angela Batchelor -SOLD!

Damascus, the capital of Syria, is one of the oldest continually inhabited cities in the world. Until recently it was hard to imagine that it wouldn't continue just as it always has. But all that changed in 2011 and after nearly seven years of brutal civil war, Damascus and those still clinging to its frayed edges, is threatened with destruction. But this was predicted well over 2,000 years ago by the prophet Isaiah who foretold of its complete annihilation. One simply has to look at the before and after pictures and it's easy to see how that fulfillment is not far off. I choose the tunnel book structure because it resembles a stage, mimicking what is happening as the drama of the Middle East continually unfolds before our eyes on a daily basis. The brown and black colors reflect the age of the city as well as the heap of ruins it is becoming, where the rubble of man-made structures are indiscernible from the earth.

Artist Bio

Angela Batchelor lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and two sons. She teaches courses in Basic Design, Color Theory, Drawing, and Book Arts for Portland Community College. She has an MFA from Boise State University. Her background is in painting and printmaking, but Angela fell in love with calligraphy, paper and book arts since moving to Portland. Her work meanders between expressive mark-making and mixed media pieces to ones that focus on religious, social and scientific themes.