Spirit Walking by Laura Ladendorf


In thinking about ritual I realize how much of my life is spent in ritual. It is more common than I would have thought. I chose to focus on the many steps I take in meditative thought and perhaps spiritual connection - to earth, to structures I pass, and in contemplation of other souls who have made the same path. My wanderings are not unique and I believe in time so many other spirits may accumulate in the same places I traverse at any given time. I have included some of the props per se that aid me in honoring those who have been both in my life or perhaps whose spirit merely remains along the way.

Artist Bio

Laura Ladendorf is a multi media artist. In the midst of a fulfilling career as graphic designer and illustrator her skill set increased with new knowledge and understanding of printmaking, letterpress and book arts. With that she discovered her art felt most at home in book form. The seemingly endless possibilities of making books with art and making them into art continue to amuse and compel her to create often combining media to express an idea.