Some Disheartening Thoughts I by Elsi Vassdal Ellis

Some Disheartening Thoughts I is the fourth Waste-Not/Want-Not & Use What You Have Summer 2012 edition.

Artist Bio

Elsi Vassdal Ellis creates books in a well equipped studio outside Bellingham on 20 acres of what was once part of the Buckholtz Homestead. Born in Fallon, Nevada, in 1952, she spent her formative years in Iowa City, Iowa, before settling down in the Pacific Northwest. Since 1983 she has produced over 95 editions and 120 unique books employing a variety of reproduc­tion techniques and materials. Her work is permanently housed in many public collections including the National Museum of Women in the Arts, New York City Public Library, Ruth and Marvin Sackner Ar­chive of Concrete and Visual Poetry, Grabhorn Collection in the San Francisco Public Library, and Arts of the Book Collection in the Yale University Library. Western Washington University has been her professional home since 1977 where she holds the rank of full professor and teaches courses in design production and (occasionally) book arts.