Resilience by Christie Houston


Ritualistic acts are the fixed patterns of behavior I turn to when seeking balance in a world filled with distress. For me, the act of caring has been a compulsion, an expression of my humanity, which I’ve repeated in my interactions with those who are less fortunate or unwell. This continuous practice of giving defines who I am and informs my artistic journey.

My work has evolved to intertwine natural and symbolic imagery, creating a dialogue that reflects the symbiotic relationship between self and nature. In a world where climate change and fractured relationships challenge our collective existence, the struggle to process destruction and loss can feel overwhelming. Yet, amidst this turmoil, I choose to hold onto the hopeful belief in nature's resilience and its will to endure.

Optimism and hope have always been central to my life’s core, and they inform every piece I create. Through my art, I aim to honor the seeds of rebirth and survival — the enduring power of life, even in the face of adversity. Each piece is an exploration of growth, resilience, and the unbroken thread that connects us to the world around us.

Artist Bio

Christie’s artistic approach is rooted in the use of metaphor to create imagery that enriches her personal narrative. By combining paper, collage, and printmaking techniques, she constructs layered compositions that offer fresh perspectives and reflections. In a Seattle print studio, Christie expanded her skills under the mentorship of Barbra Bruch, a collagraph printmaker who studied with Glen Alps. This encounter with collagraphy blended her two favorite styles—collage and printmaking—and led her to further develop her practice after acquiring an etching press designed specifically for collagraphs by Glen Alps. Christie’s passion for collage dates back to childhood, when she created her first piece using a Sears catalog and felt the thrill of having her work awarded a blue ribbon at a local bakery. She admires the work of Ben Shahn, resonating with his philosophy of both creating art and living as an artist. Additionally, she draws inspiration from the complex collages of Hannah Höch, using them as a guide to interpret the intricate issues of her own time. Through her exploration of paper arts, Christie crafts a rich narrative, often weaving multiple styles to tell her story.