PROCESS -- Process Work, #2 by Katie Baldwin

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The Redstone Arsenal is a 3,700 acre fenced in Army Post in Huntsville, AL. As a civilian I cannot go into the Arsenal. However, I can walk along the fence that lies along the perimeter of the land. From a distance, I have learned that the land inside the fence is wooded, with wetlands and springs. The Tennessee River runs along its southern border. I am curious about the use of the land before and after it was used by the military. This is a preliminary drawing made as I developed ideas for prints in the series: Trace.

Artist Bio

Katie Baldwin is one of five artists that make up Shift-lab, a collective devoted to broadening perspectives of the artist book. She has exhibited extensively in the US and abroad and her work can be found in numerous collections including the Library of Congress in Washington DC. Baldwin has received numerous awards including a Fellowship is the Arts from the Independences Foundation; an Individual Creative Artist Fellowship from the Pennsylvania Arts Council; and a Leeway Foundation Grant. She has traveled as an artist to Japan, Nicaragua, Mexico, Poland and Iceland. Baldwin received her BA from the Evergreen State College in Washington and received her MFA from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. She served as Victor Hammer Fellow at Wells College 2011-2013 and is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama Huntsville.