Nature Unseen by Margy OBrien


Creating Nature Unseen was a ritual of collecting – paying attention to what I pay attention to. So much of nature is overlooked by multitaskers with earbuds and cell phones. I enjoy seeking out the unseen, moving through this world with my senses alert for the unnoticed. Choosing a found treasure and using it in an artist’s book, a mandala, or sculptural display, I am making it an object of reverence – like an artifact in a reliquary or shrine.
This artwork includes five offerings in folded and sealed translucent paper tamper resistant envelopes – the practice of letter-locking. In a world of instant gratification, this book celebrates nature’s mysteries and the Zen of not-knowing – meeting life without preconceived interpretations or judgements. The viewer can handle the semi-transparent enclosures, wondering about the mysteries within, just like we want to connect with something true in these times of uncertainty.

Artist Bio

Margy OBrien brings wide ranging experience to her creation of artist’s books. She has created ceramic tile public art projects, exhibited watercolor and mixed media paintings, and fiber art books and scrolls. Her artist’s books have been shown at Gerald Peters Gallery, Santa Fe, in “The Contemporary Artist’s Book: Speaking to the Imagination”(2019), the Wayne Art Center, PA “Westward Ho! Contemporary Crafts of the SW” (2019), Mesa Center for the Arts, Mesa, AZ “Annual Contemporary Crafts” (2021), Abecedarian Gallery, Denver, CO “Moveable Medley” (2021) and Albuquerque Museum “ArtThrive” national juried show (2017 – 2025).