Naked, North of the Arctic Circle by Katie Nelson Harper

$850.00 - Please contact 23 Sandy for current availability.
Naked, North of the Arctic Circle is an exploration of the metaphor of the many ways that we clothe ourselves, whether with real clothing, dreams, or ideas, and how relationships can leave us naked and vulnerable. The pages contain movable sliders that transform from one image to another.  

Artist Bio

K. Nelson Harper (Katie) teaches graphic design and printing/book arts at the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith, where she is director of Underground Ink, the letterpress/book arts studio. She holds a BFA in photography from the San Francisco Art Institute, as well as an MFA in book arts/printmaking from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Her background includes award-winning letterpress and book arts, with works represented in public and private collections around the country. She also has extensive experience in commercial graphic design and art direction, notably in print and editorial design.