Title | In Their Memory: Human Rights violation in Chile. 1973-1990 |
Artist / Creator | Maria Veronica San Martin |
Press Name | CraftPressChile |
Artist's Nationality | United States |
Place of Publication | Santiago, Chile |
Publication Date | 2012 |
Process / Technique | Screenprint for images and cover, and digital print for text |
Structure / Binding | Flag book structure with hand stitching |
Paper Stock | Arches 88 paper |
Number of Pages | 9 flags, 3 rows |
Dimensions (WxHxD) | 7.5 x 12.25 x 1.5 inches. Extends out to 20 inches |
Edition Size | Edition of 20 |
In Their Memory: Human Rights violation in Chile. 1973-1990 by Maria Veronica San Martin
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In Their Memory is a book of resistance that carries forward the protest begun by the families of the disappeared in Chile during the military dictatorship (1973-1990). More than forty thousand political prisoners were victims of torture, execution and exile. Nameless crosses are all that they have received by way of a burial. It is to honor the missing and their families that this object-book seeks to disseminate and communicate human rights' violations in Chile. By documenting the identities of the victims, In Their Memory also invites reflection and puts forth a message of hope founded in truth. The structure, a flag book, was conceived so that the piece could be read both in a conventional and sculptural manner; it was also designed to provoke the visual impact that an issue as painful as that of the abuses committed in Chile deserves. My goal was to produce something powerful, something that could create a response commensurate with the horror of the injustices perpetrated.
Artist Bio
Mar¡a Veronica San Martin Riutort was born in Santiago, Chile, in 1981. She holds a BA in graphic design at Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago and a MA in book arts from the Corcoran School of Art and Design, Washington D.C. For her graduate studies, she was granted with a full scholarship from CONICYT (Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research). San Martin has developed her career as an artist while she lived in Washington D.C., depicting the themes of memory and landscape while exploring the relationships between human rights and printmaking. A finalist of the National Museum of Women in the Arts Fellowship in 2012, she will have her first solo show in New York at the Center of the Book Arts in 2017. San Martin has exhibited at the Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos in Santiago; the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington D.C.; the Minneapolis Museum in Minnesota; the French Embassy in the United States; and the Laboratorio de Artes in Guadalajara. In turn, her work is part of the special collections at the Library of Congress; Stanford University; Yale University; Harvard University; the Athenaeum Music & Art Library; The New York Public Library; and Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, among others institutions throughout the world. San Martin currently lives and works in Santiago de Chile, where she teaches book arts at the Universidad Catolica de Chile and printing at her studio, CraftPressChile.