Title | Every Bird Song, Wind Song, and Tremendous Storm Song |
Artist / Creator | Deborah Watkins |
Place of Publication | Kennewick, WA |
Publication Date | 2012 |
Author of Text | John Muir |
Structure / Binding | Scroll book |
Medium / Materials | Antique player-piano music with original box; calligraphy done with a Timothy Leigh handmade pen and Ziller North Wind White waterproof ink; antique glass knobs and threaded brass rod. |
Paper Stock | Decorative handmade paper from Italy |
Dimensions (WxHxD) | 15.5 x 2 inches x 8 feet (unrolled) |
Edition Size | Unique |
Every Bird Song, Wind Song, and Tremendous Storm Song by Deborah Watkins
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John Muir’s exquisite words describing his long love affair with nature was the initial draw for me in creating this book. I had the piano scroll for a while...liking the fact that it could morph into a book easily. The idea for the finished piece came to me in a dream/awake state one night about 2 am. I like the synchronism of Muir repeating the words "song and singing" with function of the player piano music sheet making a perfect connection between the two. Engineering a way to roll the scroll back into the box by incorporating more antique elements with the glass knobs and brass rod completed the book.
Artist Bio
I have been passionate about art and the application of words all my life. My love for words began at an early age, through reading and collecting poems, and progressed to writing my own words which I now reveal through beautiful form using the art of calligraphy. My newest venture is printing with an antique 5 x 8 Kelsey table-top printing press, thereby bring into play yet one more way to illustrate my words. This expression of book art, assemblage and printing has provided me the ultimate path for giving voice to words through art.