Eight by Thomas Parker Williams

Eight is a visual experiment using eight different mathematical operations on the same set of eight random numbers (listed on the title page) to produce a framework of arcs and circles for eight sets of abstract drawings.

The mathematical operations are as follows: sum, difference, product, quotient, raising to the 8th power, taking the 8th root, sum series, and product series.

Each set of drawings has eight elements composed of a portion of a circle or arc that has its diameter determined by the result of one of the eight mathematical operations performed on each random number, one mathematical operation per page.

The different mathematical operations produce widely varying results as to scale. Some arcs are almost straight lines and some circles have to be represented as dots. The drawing scale varies from 3 to 1 to more than 4,000,000 to 1.

Artist Bio

Thomas Parker Williams lives and works in Philadelphia. His primary areas of work include hand-made artist book editions, painting, and printmaking. Some of his artist book editions contain an audio element – music or sound work –composed, performed, and recorded by the artist. Tom’s paintings, prints, and artist books have been exhibited in Philadelphia, New York, and throughout the country, and are in numerous private and public collections, including the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University; Special Collections Department, Temple University Libraries and The Athenaeum of Philadelphia.