Composition #1 by Poppy Dully

$125.00 - Please contact 23 Sandy for current availability.
Composition #1, music and figure etchings, has six figurative etchings printed on BFK Rives paper. The etchings were sourced from hand drawn ink sketches on musical scores of I DO! I DO! during a series of life drawing sessions. The musical was written by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt based on the Jan de Hartog play The Fourposter. I enjoy the interplay of words, music arrangements and figurative drawings. The drawings were copied onto transparencies which were transferred onto copper intaglio plates using the photoetch PNP process. The intaglio plates were etched in ferric chloride, inked and printed on paper with an etching press. The title cover includes a page from the musical score. Interleavings were placed between the etching pages. The cover and all pages were bound with Coptic stitching.

Artist Bio

Poppy Dully is an Oregon painter, printer, and book artist. She works in acrylics, oil, pen and ink, and several printmaking techniques. She has shown her paintings and prints around the Pacific Northwest since 1998. Poppy's altered books are the products of discoveries, bringing together books and films. Her artist’s books are in private and public collections including University of Washington, Stanford University, Multnomah County Central Library Special Collections, University of Southern California, University of Texas, Austin, UCLA Film Library and Savannah College of Art and Design. Her books and prints were exhibited in 2018 in Women and The Printed Page at Regis University in Denver Colorado and Ink Press Repeat at William Paterson University in Wayne New Jersey.