Color Code by Thomas Parker Williams

Color Code is based on the electronic color code for components such as resistors and capacitors. The colors indicate numerical values: 1 - brown, 2 - red, 3 - orange, 4 - yellow, 5 - green, 6 - blue, 7 - violet, 8 - gray, 9 - white, and 0 - black. Each panel is attached to the structure with a radial hinge so that the panels can be rotated 360 degrees independent of each other. The name "Luminice Press" will designate artist books and broadsides that were printed on a new platen press designed and constructed by Thomas Parker Williams.

Artist Bio

Thomas Parker Williams lives and works in Philadelphia, PA, USA. His work includes hand-made artist book editions, unique book works, printmaking, and painting. Some of his artist book editions contain an audio element - music or sound work - composed, performed, and recorded by the artist. Tom's artist books are in numerous private and public collections.