Coffee Please? by Sue Clancy

$200.00 - Please contact 23 Sandy for current availability.
Upon seeing the Wanderlust theme I began rereading my travel sketchbooks kept over the last 25 years. I noticed the amount of space I'd devoted specifically to the coffee culture and dialects I discovered as I traveled in the United States. Most of my sketchbooks were created before the ubiquitous spread of Starbucks, so in rereading I became aware that each region of the U.S. had similarities in how they verbally responded to my question "Can I get some coffee please?" In the Pacific Northwest in response to my question I was given complex choices of type of coffee roast and cream. In the South the reply to my question often left me wondering what was said and whether or not I would be getting any coffee at all. In the Northeast a cup was quickly, enthusiastically filled with whatever coffee roast they were using, cream had to be requested. Even coffee cup styles were similar within a region. My book "Coffee Please?" sums up and presents the data collected in my travel sketchbooks.

Artist Bio

Sue Clancy has a serious paper habit; she creates handmade paper, dyes it, marbles it or using other techniques patterns the paper. With that paper she creates visual stories inspired by ordinary life. She'll bind a book and create content in it or use her papers to create a two dimensional painting - which often relates to a book she's made or at least read. Sue's artist books and hand dyed paper collages incorporate her own original designs, drawings and writings. Both her fine art and her artist books have been purchased by many public institutions, like the UCLA Fine Arts Library in California, and also many private collectors. Awards such as the Zolli Page Award for Papermaking have been won consistently. She is represented by Caplan Art Designs in Portland Oregon, The Joseph Gierek Fine Art Gallery in Tulsa Oklahoma.