Best Laid Plans by Katie Garth

Within a childhood story about a personal tendency for order, the artist considers the merits of planning, asking for what each of us may be preparing. The work explores daily routine as a coping mechanism for chaos and uncertainty, depicting disembodiment as an abstract and ethereal escape. While the narrative empathizes with the impulse to withdraw, it underlines the comforting appeal of familiar objects and mundane rituals, examining what is lost in retreat.

Artist Bio

Katie Garth is an artist in Philadelphia with a print-based practice that emphasizes language and circulation. Her work explores tensions between the everyday lived experience and the otherworldly and sublime. Garth received a BFA from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and an MFA from the Tyler School of Art. She has exhibited internationally, and her work has appeared in the Washington Post and Print Magazine. She enjoys teaching, and pursues opportunities to write and present on topics related to contemporary print practice. Garth co-founded Quarantine Public Library with Tracy Honn in May 2020.