Altered Construction Notebook by Zea Morvitz -SOLD!

I have always loved my husband's construction notebooks for their intense graphic look, filled with casual notes and sketches made on the job or in conversation with clients. Tim has been a building contractor for many years. He usually keeps a construction notebook for months and each contains a record of many different jobs. All are weather stained and have been roughly handled. When I approached him about working on one as an artist book I was prepared for rejection, but instead he joined the project enthusiastically. He printed out his on the job photos, taken to record dimensions of spaces he's working in or to show clients what progress he's making, or sometimes just for fun. For this project I took his largest, sturdiest notebook, added marks, watercolor, some of his photographs, pages from his smaller notebooks, labels and informational sheets from tools and materials literally off the floor of his workshop.

Artist Bio

Zea Morvitz loved books before she could read, and began making her own books in childhood. She learned typography and worked briefly in a Manhattan publishing house before moving to Northern California. In her current work, Morvitz combines pen and ink drawing with watercolor, collage and altered photographs. She makes unique and small edition books and series of altered books. She often collaborates with Tim Graveson, her photographer husband.