For Artists
Hello 23 Sandy Artists,
Please supply the following information for the 23 Sandy website & catalogs. This allows us to provide cataloging data that is critical to our library customers and their ability to collect your work. Please fill out this form once for each new book you are submitting. Thank you!
Please note: The information you enter on this form will drop directly into the online and/or print catalog without editing. Please provide your text with proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc. Consider composing in a word processing program, run spell check, and then cut and paste into the form.
Please upload 5-10 images of your work. Include images showing front cover, binding, and several shots of interior pages.
To upload multiple images: Hit the image upload button on the form, and hold the command (Mac users) / control (PC users) key down while clicking to select your files.
FILE NAMES: Name your files as yourlastname-titlekeyword-1.jpg, yourlastname-titlekeyword-2.jpg etc. Your last name is followed by a hypen and a book title keyword or two followed by a hyphen and then the view number. No spaces, please.
IMAGE SIZE: All JPGs should be 300 ppi sized to 7 inches wide or tall in the longest direction.