
In Here/Hear: Meta Data Mining, cell towers disguised as trees represent our need for constant connection, our desire for infrastructure to be invisible, and our complicity in the data extraction industry. The cell tower trees are silent witnesses to our movements and interactions, enabling the transformation of our attention into commerce. The intaglio-printed cell towers evoke a romantic and iconic view. Screenshots of maps, and texts show daily habits of sharing locations, plans and trivial comments. Letterpress printed folios are adhered to an accordion-fold spine in a Hedi Kyle structure. Holes cut into pages reveal wires and data; unseen systems in our infrastructure.

Artist Bio

Mary V. Marsh makes prints and artist’s books exploring changing technologies of communication through a personal lens. Her work in libraries provided a foundation for ideas, materials, and research. She had solo shows at San Jose Museum of Art, Berkeley Art Center, SFPL Skylight Gallery, and Mercury 20. She makes artist’s books and prints as Quite Contrary Press, including collaborative works with Tony Bellaver, showing at CODEX, The Art of the Book, Seager Gray Gallery, in the collections of SFMOMA Library, The Bancroft Library, and many others. She received an MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1992, a 2018 Fellowship Award from Kala Art Institute, and a 2022 Small Plates award at San Francisco Center for the Book.