Dream Magic by Mari Eckstein Gower *BEST IN SHOW AWARD (1st Place)

“Dream Magic” explores how, in dreams, the dreamer sheds their daytime persona to enter a place of myth, magic & metaphor where the impossible is possible. In the book I play with placement of text and image to give the illusion of movement and to emphasize how dream space, time & logic follow different rules from a person’s daytime experiences.

Like a set of small jewels, the book unfolds from its closed state into four staggered shadowboxes that contain scenes of a dreamer immersed in dream images. The base of the book’s support structure doubles as a small accordion book which, by pulling the tab, unspools onto another dreamscape with three poems that speak to iconic dream imagery.

Artist Bio

Mari Eckstein Gower is an artist and writer living in Redmond, WA. She has an art and humanities degree from Scripps college and an MA from Claremont Graduate University. She has studied printmaking at several ateliers in Montreal. She's attracted to artist books because they offer her the opportunity to combine painting and writing in ways that use kinetic forms of bookbinding to reinforce the narrative structure of her work.